NFPA 25 – 2017 Edition Updates and Changes

This blog will only address Chapters 3 through 16, and will not identify every change to the standard, but will outline some of the significant changes from the 2014 edition. Though there are only a handful of frequency changes to the 2017 edition of NFPA 25, The Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems has many changes and additions throughout the standard.

Before getting into the specific NFPA 25 changes, let us look at how NFPA indicates where a change was made when using any NFPA code or standard:

-Changes to figures or tables will be shaded completely.

-New sections, figures, and tables will be indicated by a bold, italic N in a gray box to the left of the new material.

-Deleted sections will have a bullet point (•) between the sections remaining.

Where other standards are referenced throughout the standard, the name of the standard was removed, i.e., in previous years it would be written as NFPA 13 The Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, in 2017 it will be written as NFPA 13.

There are a few visual issues with the physical standard. First, there are two versions of the standard. One has shading and one does not. The edition with no shading is the original printing. The one with shading is the second version. Be very cautious of using the tables at the beginning of each chapter in the 2017 edition. Both versions have issues with the tables not being correct, so it would be prudent to verify the section and frequency when using the chapter tables.  There is an errata that can be downloaded from NFPA for free to correct this. An erratum is a list of corrected errors appended to the standard. There is also a TIA (tentative interim amendment) at the same link below that addresses technicians not opening an energized fire pump controller. A TIA is an amendment to an NFPA standard and becomes part of the standard for the specific edition of the standard. They are typically issued when there is possibility of harm to persons or property. They then automatically become a public input for the next cycle of the standard.

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Chapter 3-definitions

There are many language changes in Chapter 3 updating extract years and removing standard names, as well as added new definitions such as electronic sprinklers and several fire pump definitions, which the industry has used for years but were not defined in NFPA 25.

Chapter 4-general requirements Makes owner responsible to coordinate with the contractor to verify discharge of water to minimize any damage.

4.6.6 Provides the requirements for automated testing requirements.

There are several other language changes in the chapter.

Chapter 5- sprinkler systems Changed the requirements for replacing escutcheons. Now escutcheons must be listed for the sprinkler. States if the escutcheon is no longer available sprinkler must be replaced

5.2.9 Requires an antifreeze information sign (manufacturer, type and brand, concentration, volume). How to test pressure type flow switches. Adds wording for flowing through smallest orifice in system.

All gauge requirements were moved to Chapter 13 for consistency. Added supports to hanger and bracing and changed wording for antifreeze requirements.

Chapter 6-standpipe and hose

6.2.3-6.2.8 Adds language for inspection of hose connections, hose nozzle, piping, and storage device to the body of the chapter. Changed flow test requirement from Class I and III to all automatic standpipe systems to include class II standpipes. Provides additional flow requirements for class II standpipes.

Chapter 7-private fire service mains Provides inspection requirements for piping rather than sending inspector to corrective action table. and Adds language on what to inspect on wet and dry barrel hydrants and monitor nozzles.

7.3.1 Removed “serving hydrants”, which now requires all underground and exposed piping to be flow tested.

Chapter 8-fire pumps

There are many changes to Chapter 8

Relocated table 8.1.2 to the annex.

Expanded table to include more ITM requirements.

8.2.2 Inspection section was expanded. addedExcept as permitted in and, a main pressure relief valve (where installed) shall be permitted to weep but not discharge a significant quantity of water.

This is for fire pumps designed before 1993 (lots of water), after 1993 (no or little water), with pressure relief valves. Test Equipment is a new section regarding calibration of fire pump controller readings such as volt and amperage. Is a new section for alarm conditions that require the controller to be opened to create or simulate an alarm condition. Adds they shall be tested by qualified personnel wearing appropriate protective equipment.

8.3.7 Test results and evaluation changes the wording on what is an acceptable pump test.

-Must meet 95% and system demand.

-Also, several changes to section 8.3.7 for testing requirements for volts/amps i.e., service factor. If applicable, adjust speed and velocity pressures to determine compliance. Results are no less than 95 percent of flow rates and pressures.

8.4 changes some wording and adds requirements for what shall be on the report.

Chapter 9-water storage tanks

Several changes in wording and removal of a few sections.

9.3.3 Low water temperature test changed from monthly to prior to the heating season.

9.3.4 High water temperate, changed from monthly to prior to heating season.

9.3.5 High and low water level signals from semi-annual to annual.

Chapter 10-water spray fixed systems

Several changes in wording, and removal of a few sections.

Chapter 11-foam water sprinkler systems

Several changes in wording, and removal of a few sections. is a new section that allows full flow discharge of foam water deluge system using water only. allows alternative testing methods in lieu of foam concentrate.

Chapter 12water mist

Almost no changes (2020 edition will have many changes)

Chapter 13-common components and valves

13.2.6 Several additions and changes regarding mechanical and electric water flow devices and combines inspection and test together. Electrically monitored valves inspection changes from monthly to quarterly. changes from main drain test to valve status test after reopening a control valve.

13.4.3 and 13.4.4 separates deluge and pre action systems to their own sections. Dry system low air changes from semi to annual only. Pre-action is still quarterly.

13.7 All gauge requirements removed from other chapters and now in Chapter 13 only.

13.8.2 FDC interior inspection changed from quarterly to annual only if approved locking caps are in place (Knox caps).

13.9 Testing of automatic detection equipment added.

13.10 Air compressor ITM added.

Chapter 14-internal piping conditions

Two language changes but virtually untouched.

Chapter 15-impairment procedures

15.4.2 added water supply to impaired equipment.

Chapter 16-small board and care

Removed all specific ITM requirements from NFPA 25 and sends inspector to NFPA 101 for requirements